Monday, April 24, 2006

It's where I live!

Not really but it IS a reasonable, hand-drawn's the decorated model that sold us on the place. Ours is, of course, nicer since WE chose all the colours etc. but I don't have pics of our actual place so these will have to do! :oP

The front foyer (reflected in the mirrored closet door) and the bathroom

The bathroom...we got the upgraded soaker tub (which is like a FOOT deeper...harder to get in and out of, but MUCH nicer for baths!)

The dining room...doors to the two bedrooms

Living room...door to the balcony

The opening form the living room to the kitchen

The kitchen...we've got the same colour cabinets but upgraded so they have a nice pattern on them. Plus, my tile and my countertop match and are way cooler than this! It's actually my favourite room...the one that turned out the best.

It ain't much but I love it! And when the place actually goes condo (which it has to do in order for us to get our mortgage...which we have to in order to OWN the place!), supposedly at the end of June now, we will finally be the proud owners of our own place. It's only taken us 14 years...we're still young enough to enjoy it...barely! ;o)


Blogger Polt said...

It looks wonderful. Very WHITE, though. And quite...sanitary. A lack of mess makes me feel like I'm in a museum, and therefore not comfortable. Hence, the pigsty that IS my apartment! :)

No seriously, congrats on the place. It does look like a wonderful new home. Especially since it will be ALL YOURS!

Monday, April 24, 2006 7:35:00 PM  
Blogger Polt said...

Oh DUH! I just reread the post and don't I fell like a dunce?!? This is the MODEL..of COURSE it's gonna look sanitary and museum-like.

Get some pics of your place and post em, that way I won't feel stupid critiquing something you're not even living in!

Monday, April 24, 2006 7:37:00 PM  

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