Half-Nekkid Thursday #11 (Star Trek Edition)
I've gone a little effects-mad, I admit it! But they're fun and they make it a little easier to show a little more skin and not be so shy! ;o)
Anyway, really it's because hubby and I have been a little lazy about taking new pics so I'm adding a little interest to some I wasn't too sure about using, et voila! Submissive alien babe, at your service...come and get me Cpt. Kirk! :oD
I'll try to post a workout update later today or tomorrow for those of you on the edges of your seats about how I'm doing...
'Til then...HHNT!
**If you've never heard of this thing called "Half-Nekkid", click below to go visit Os, the great and powerful**
Soft cuffs? Or just wrist warmers?
I'm sure Cpt Kirk could entertain you before anyone decided to investigate why you glow... :P
Beam me up Scotty!
Love it! HHNT
Kirk? Oh, I'd prefer SIsko...or Archer...or even Picard. Kirk...nah, he never did much for me.
NOT that I think about bagging the Star Trek captains or anything, okay?!?!?!
SubKit...cuffs, of course! You might recognise them from my 4th of July/Canada Day post since that's when this was taken!
Ogre...*beams away!* ;o)
mommy...glad you like!
Poltie...I only chose Kirk 'cause he was most notorious for banging green-skinned aliens! ;o) He's also a Canuck...and one of the cheesiest actors around! Though personally, I must admit that I don't really have a preference as I'm not much of a Trekkie...I was too busy watching (and adoring) Superman in my youth!
The effects make it fun :) HHNT!
The effects are cool and the pic is sexy! Happy HNT
I love the effects and everything!! HHNT!! stay sexy!!
Lovely image, warm and inviting. So when do you want me over?
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
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