Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Let's Play Tag...

I was tagged by the lovely and talented Polt over at The Palace so here goes:

"6 Weird Things About Me"

The rules are simple.
1. Each player of this game starts with the “6 weird things about you”.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you are tagged” in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

Weird thing #1) Using my right hand, I am incapable of showing the number 3 in the usual way (ie. put your thumb against your pinky finger and extend the remaining fingers), although I can with my left hand. When I hold my pinky with my thumb, the other fingers WILL NOT straighten out! I've actually hurt myself (along with looking like a complete git!) trying to do this because I thought it was absolutely ridiculous that I couldn't!

Weird thing #2) I hate beets and peppers...except when they're pickled; then I love them.

Weird thing #3) I am a food separatist...I don't like it when things touch on my plate. It's mostly either saucy things and non-saucy things or things of different temperatures (like salad and hot food) but I try to keep most stuff from touching most other stuff. I don't enjoy the co-mingling!

Weird thing #4) If I am walking down the street with someone, I have to walk on their left side. I don't know why but I feel all out of sorts and strange if I try to walk on the "wrong" side of someone I am with.

(After reviewing #'s 3 & 4, I am left thinking, as you all are I'm sure, OCD much?! Oh well, we all have our quirks! LOL)

Weird thing #5) Although I love true crime books and my favourite author is Stephen King, I do not like horror movies...at ALL; I think the last one I saw would have been one of the Nightmare on Elm Street ones and they ended up being more camp than scary after the first two! Edit: I realise this is a lie; I saw The Blair Witch Project (see Weird thing #6 for more). I think it's because I am not a very visual reader...I don't really do the movies-in-my-head thing when I read. Horror flicks are way too intense for me...I have a very suggestible imagination and those kinds of images stay with me and make me paranoid for a very long time.

Weird thing #6) I developed an inner-ear disorder when I was about 26 which means that I now have trouble watching movies in the theatre (especially war or water movies). It first happened during Titanic; when the boat started to sink, I got VERY ill...cold sweats, dizziness, nausea, etc. I was diagnosed with an ear infection but once that went away, the issues with dizziness and stuff stuck around. The only cure is Gravol and I pretty much take it before I go to any flick these days, just to be sure. Movies I have had to walk out of because of this issue: The Blair Witch Project, Tomb Raider II, Saving Private Ryan (almost...I was ONLY able to stick it out because I knew that scene was 30 minutes long and that's it!), Pearl Harbour (apparently, I didn't miss much!). I'm pretty sure there are others; if I think of them, I'll update later.

That was a LOT harder than I thought it would be...but kinda fun too! SCM did a variation (see "Tagged! Six Things - Times Two") on this theme and I'm gonna ponder it long and hard; I'll post on it if I can think of anything (well, 6 anythings, to be more accurate) worth talking about! ;o)

Okay, I'll tag:
  • Jean
  • Heather Edit: Heather kindly pointed out that she had a psychic moment and did this one already a couple of days ago (and I READ that post too...senility is no fun! lol) so I'm also going to tag Mermaid Girl
  • Evalee
  • Roy
  • Darkneuro
  • Evvie


Blogger JeannieGrrl said...

I'm all about wierd. This will take some thinking though. LOL! I will get to it though :)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 11:43:00 AM  
Blogger 212degreedesigns said...

it was done early ; )


damn i'm good sometimes... lol

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 11:44:00 AM  
Blogger JeannieGrrl said...


Wednesday, December 06, 2006 12:10:00 PM  
Blogger Polt said...

Lovely AND talented...oh you know me so well....

A good friend of mine has to walk on the side furtherest from the curb. She's afraid she'll walk into a sign or post or something, or that she'll walk off the curb by accident, so I always have to be between her and all that..

See, you're not THAT weird. :)


Wednesday, December 06, 2006 9:09:00 PM  
Blogger Darkneuro said...

Done :) Thanks for tagging me, Hon ;)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 9:35:00 PM  
Blogger E said...

Cool, I'm in, I'll do it.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 10:06:00 PM  
Blogger CyberWarlock said...

Interesting quirks. :) Thanks for stopping by and for the comments. (^_^)

Friday, December 08, 2006 1:52:00 PM  
Blogger Mermaid Girl said...

Sorry about the slackness darling girl but it is finally done! (I feel kind of boring after reading everyone else's though!)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:27:00 AM  
Blogger Jeans Pants said...

3 members on my blog were recently tagged. The thing is that I have 6 members on my blog and their all actually me So I had to come up with 5 real ones for myself and 10 fake ones for my non-existent members. Did that make sense? Sorry about the going to the movies problem. Reading is better anyways

Friday, December 22, 2006 1:26:00 PM  

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