Saturday, August 05, 2006

Days of Our Lives...

WHEW!!!!! What a week it's been; we
  • bought a condo (officially, although we've had possession of the place for over 5 months now!)
  • signed many documents at the bank and many MORE at the lawyer's office to legalise said purchase (though it really isn't very hard to sign your life away...couple o' pen strokes et voila!)
  • spent about $11,000 on furnishings etc. for the aforementioned condo (it is AMAZING how quickly you can whip through that kinda money...seriously, it AIN'T difficult to do!)
  • created wills and power of attorneys for hubby and I (a little morbid but absolutely necessary now that we actually HAVE an estate to speak of!)
  • lost another of our little dwarf hammies (leaving only one "twoony" still alive...luckily, my favourite is the last one standing!)

Here are pics of the place which has now put us about $180K in debt...still no pics of our actual place but once we get everything in and settled, it may be easier to convince hubby to take some so stay tuned! ;o)

Our new T.V. *drools, imagining Dances With Wolves or LOTR on that baby!*

Our new bed ('cept ours is a King!)

Our new home-theatre-in-a-box

Try as I might, I can't find a pic of the loveseat we's a little like this, but much nicer and more padded. (This brings me to something I was thinking of earlier today: I HAVE to get hubby to teach me how to use the camera...ASAP! We've had the thing for almost a year and a half and I have no clue how to work it...otherwise, I could just take a pic of the couch that matches the loveseat we just bought 'cause it's RIGHT NEXT TO ME!)

So, working out ended up taking a back seat this week and I only managed to go on Monday but it's back to our regularly scheduled program starting this Monday (yes, even though it's a holiday, I'm still gonna be good...I gotta make up for this past week, ya know!). I'm cutting myself some slack 'cause we were only home before 8 p.m. one night and it's hard to come home and go right to bed, which I would have needed to if I was getting up at 5:50 a.m. to work out.

I have, however, managed to squeeze in some on-line poker (yes, after getting into six-figured debt, I like to relax with a little a problem with that?!), just to reassure you that my priorities are in order! LMAO...AND I lost...there goes the mortgage $$ (actually, hard to lose enough to hurt TOO much playing $0.01/$0.02 blinds but I'm sure it COULD be done!)!

Anyway, hope everyone's having a good weekend...happy looooooong weekend to those lucky ones that get one (meself included -YAY!)! I'm off to see if I can't find me a tourney to lose...wish me aces... ;o)


Blogger Polt said...

wow...welcome to the world of home ownership...not that i know what that feels like or anything...

Monday, August 07, 2006 8:12:00 AM  
Blogger Blondage said...

Congrats on all the new stuff! Woo hoo!!!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006 8:31:00 PM  

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