Friday, April 20, 2007

For the umpteenth time...

I will now sit in front of this blank blog post screen and attempt to make an entry...finally.

So many thoughts and ideas but no way to make them coherent...or interesting, I'm afraid. All the other blogs I read are SO brilliantly's seriously intimidating. Posts I love the idea of but hesitate to actually sit down and do myself (like this or this) fly around my overworked brain.

I just can't manage to find the time, I tell myself...which, while not entirely untrue, still feels like a bit of a cop out. I spend my time during the week watching Poker After Dark, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Criminal Minds, Bones, My Name Is Earl, Two and a Half Men, Kink, Survivor...and NOT watching 30 Days and October Road, although I have about six episodes of each on the back burner for some undetermined time in the future. And don't forget the chores that need doing; laundry, dishes, kitty's a very different world where if you don't do it, it don't get done! And there's on-line poker to be played...and won, if you are playing well and the Poker-Gods are smiling on you. And many wonderful, fascinating blogs to read and on Thursdays, many beautiful half-nekkid pics to peruse. There are also appointments for chiropractic and massage from the accident, not to mention the shrink I'm chatting with about the above-mentioned adled brain, which find me putting many miles on the new car.

On the weekends, there is the boyfriend...with whom there are LIVE poker tournaments to play, movies to watch and tumbles to be had. Oh, and another trip to the Falls this weekend. Beautiful weather, a Wonder of the World and thee...what more could a girl ask for? :oD

So...very busy, indeed.

Here's the part where I promise to do better and to get around to posting those ideas above etc. Not to mention updating the links on the side there...some have been dead for a long time and there are quite a few others that I read every day, and would love to share with everyone, that don't appear...yet.

Will do. I swear...

Until then, I hope you are all feeling fine and are expecting some of the same weather we are well and truly due for in the next few days!


And see you again soon...seriously!
P.S. The pic at the top is courtesy of my dear friend...hopefully, he doesn't mind me using it! To see more of his stuff, go here...and you really should; he's amazingly talented!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a glorious photo and I'm just glad that you're still kicking.

Friday, April 20, 2007 2:39:00 PM  
Blogger Polt said...

Well, look who pulled herself up outta the blogsphere to post again. :)

Glad you're up and about. Glad you're busy! Better than being bored. Hope all is well with you. Boyfriend, eh? This is news.

Oh, I like Lone Primate's photos too...very artistic.

HUGS, sweetie, post when you can.

Friday, April 20, 2007 7:44:00 PM  
Blogger Polt said...

Hey, sweetie, couldn't find your email address...:( Musta lost it. I'll just leave the 5 questions you requested here for you.

1) If you could give anyone in the world, any gift imaginable, what would you give, to whom, and why?

2) What place anywhere in the world, but outside of your own country, would you most want to visit and why?

3) Which is cooler, American TV or Canadian TV?

4) How many times have you eaten poutine, worn a tuque, and said 'aboot'? :)

5) The next time I'm in Toronto you ARE going to meet me, right, even if you have to go into the city on your own....right???? :)

Alternative, cause 5 is not a real question: If you could change any one thing about you instantaneously what would it be?


Tuesday, April 24, 2007 6:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, that infrared photo reminds me of a place I went skinny dipping on the Humber last year. What a coincidence. :)

Thursday, April 26, 2007 12:34:00 PM  

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