Thursday, December 21, 2006

Half-Nekkid Thursday #17 (Special Chistmas Assignment Edition)

As per the boss-man Os, instead of the usual half-nekkid pics this week, we were instructed thusly:

"To avoid the hassle of having to take HNT pics with holiday plans, families getting together, and all the other things getting in the way, we will suspend HNT this week. INSTEAD, in the spirit of Christmas, we'll do this--pick three HNT/blogger participants, but only three. And then tell the world what you'd get them for Christmas, if you had the means to do so. To make this work, don't pick three people that you might normally send a card or a gift to anyway. Pick three people that you may have just met, or have been following for awhile, or found through other blogs.
This can be serious, humorous, from the heart, or from the mind. Hopefully this will prevent some sort of "gift guilt reciprocation". One last thing--when you post a comment like you would for HNT, just list your three people. That way someone who might not expect something from you will know to take a look."

I decided to follow Polt's lead and do sort of spiritual gifts as opposed to funny...or realistic.
So, without further ado, I would gift...

1) Jeannie Grrl...with perfect health. She is a lovely person who is constantly plagued by various health-related issues and so I would wish those away for her. That way, she could just enjoy all the wonderful things in her life without having to worry about whether she's in agonising pain or not. (I'm stealing this pic, with thanks again, from Poltie!)

2) Mermaid Girl...with peace and strength through what must be very trying times in her life. And oh yeah, maybe this would help to eliminate her problem as well! ;o)

See your gift here, since Blogger is a b*tch and won't let me post the pic!

3) Last, but never least, Polt...with his Freddie for the holidays. I know they spent some time doing the Christmas thing pre-holidays but I also know he's gonna miss his Freddie-bear to bits...and they are just SO cute together! Wish I could make it happen for real, Sweetie...and thanks so much for my gift! It's JUST what I need... *hugs*

See your gift here, same reason as above (I'll fix 'em later, Blogger willing!)!

And hugs, warm stuff and best wishes for the holiday season to all you wonderful bloggers out there! Thanks to everyone for all your support the last few's meant a lot to me.


Blogger Polt said...

Thanks, sweetie. I don't think Christmas is going to be as difficult as New Years, but I'll get through it. And I'll see him in January anyways...

But thank you so much! It was a very thoughtful gift. :)


Thursday, December 21, 2006 4:06:00 PM  
Blogger AndyT13 said...

Merry xmas and happy new year! hhnt!

Thursday, December 21, 2006 4:18:00 PM  
Blogger JeannieGrrl said...

Oh hun.... *sniff* not to sound selfish but I hope that all of your wishes come true! *HUGE HUGS*
Thank you HHNT and happy holidays!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006 5:47:00 PM  
Blogger Sexy Duet said...

Merry Christmas and Happy HNT!


Thursday, December 21, 2006 7:27:00 PM  
Blogger Jeans Pants said...

Awwwwwwwwww!!! What sweet gifts =0)

Friday, December 22, 2006 1:15:00 PM  

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