A Meme, of sorts...
The ever-so-fabulous Polt played this little 5 questions game and then offered to come up with questions for anyone else who wanted to play...I wanted...so here we go:
1) If you could give anyone in the world, any gift imaginable, what would you give, to whom, and why?
Well, this is gonna be sappy...I would give the gift of perfect health to my parents. My mom has fibromyalgia and my dad has too many health issues to list but just a couple are degenerating disks in his back and breathing issues. They are good people who did the very best they could raising three kids with very little money, most of the time. They deserve some time to enjoy it...and instead, they are both on disability and can't do too much of anything without pain in their "golden" years.
2) What place anywhere in the world, but outside of your own country, would you most want to visit and why?

I think I'd go to Africa because of the animals, of course, but also because if you're going to go to a far-away place, why not see somewhere completely unlike anyplace you've ever been before? And I think Africa certainly qualifies.
3) Which is cooler, American TV or Canadian TV?
American...ever seen an episode of Degrassi?! I love Kevin Smith but he's ALL wrong on this one! (An aside: "Spike" lived in my apartment building when I was a teen and this show was on...I could not have cared less since I was not watching it...or any other Canuck shows that might leap to mind!)
We Canadians can outdo you Amuricans on many fronts...but t.v. ain't one of 'em...yet! ;o)
4) How many times have you eaten poutine, worn a tuque, and said 'aboot'? :)
Mmmmmm...fries with gravy and cheese curds... :oD

And when we meet up next time you're in T.O., you can judge for yourself whether or not those who claim that I actually say "aboot" are hearing things! ;o)
5) The next time I'm in Toronto you ARE going to meet me, right, even if you have to go into the city on your own....right???? :)

See answer above...I can't wait! And if you can make it for the Pride parade and bring Freddie as well as Ag, so much the better!
Alternative, cause 5 is not a real question: If you could change any one thing about you instantaneously what would it be?
And then boom, he goes all Barbara Walters on my ass!! *sniffs* I WON'T cry!
Seriously, I would fix my hideously low self-esteem because I really believe it has been the cause of most of my problems. I would make "You're good enough, you're smart enough and gosh darn it, people like you!" my personal motto! I would internalise the fact that I deserve to be happy the same as everyone does...and that having done things that are "bad", does not make me a bad person; it just makes me human and less-than-perfect. I would allow myself to accept that I don't have to be better than everyone else just to be tolerated.
I am working on this stuff now...but instantaneous sure would be nice...
Phew...that was...erm...fun... ;o)
Well, Ag and I prefer Canadian TV cause the commericals are much MUCH better, and you're music video channel actually shows music videos!!
Sometime in the fall, we hope to be back up there. Ag's a definite. Freddie, maybe, he'd have to miss some college days, and I'm not sure that's a good thing. But yeah, I can't wait to meet you either. Touque...hmm, here I was spelling it wrong all this time.
I've caught myself saying "aboot" once or twice; it even landed with a clang in my own ears. It isn't really "aboot" so much as "a-BEH-ah-oot", just really quick... instead of coming right out, it kind of curves up into the roof of your mouth and falls out. Like bad dentures or something. Anyway, this is much more common in older Canadians. If you watch on-the-street interviews from old 1960s CBC shows like This Week Has Seven Days, people are "oot"ing their heads off... and speaking in a very clipped, precise why that, despite the quasi-American accent, reminds you the British. I think TV cured those of us who grew up in the 70s and beyond of all that. :)
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