Friday, April 27, 2007

Cleaning bastards stole my lunch!

One of the many joys of working in an office...periodically, the cleaning people are tasked to scour whatever community kitchen facilities exist, including the fridge. This generally means chucking whatever miscellaneous garbage has been sitting around growing mold since the last head-to-toe cleaning was done. However, it unfortunately ALSO means indiscriminate tossing of any tupperware that unsuspecting souls may have left overnight, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, because they did not realise it was time for the freakin' annual cleaning!
That's right...I left my salad in the fridge yesterday, planning on having it for lunch today because I forgot to bring dressing for it yesterday. So, I arrive bright and early this morning, dressing in hand, only to discover that now, I have dressing but NO SALAD!
And I lost my cool, huge, expensive container too which pisses me off. A pox on their houses, I say! Hmph. :oP
Moving on...
Actually, that's really all for now. I'm off to play some poker tomorrow and relax with my kitties and my lovely "friend"...have a great weekend and I'll check in with you all on Monday! ;o)


Blogger Jeans Pants said...

So I just officially figured out how to use feedburner so I shouldnt be missing anymore of your posts. Im sorry bout the salad. That sucks!

Sunday, April 29, 2007 1:18:00 PM  

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