Monday, June 11, 2007

Don'tcha hate it when...

People take their own insecurities and crap out on you?! Yeah, me too!

So, I had another great poker weekend...came in fourth and got my money back at the Saturday tourney. Then yesterday, played two games and came in second and first to give me 7500 more chips for the big $$$ tourney in August (that's a total of 21,500 so far, in case anyone other than me is counting!). That's the GOOD part.

The bad part is that I got accused of cheating.

Now, just a little background:
This particular game is one in which dealers are provided so the accusation of cheating had nothing to do with card-marking or stacking the deck or anything like that. Besides, anyone who's ever seen me shuffle could explain the absurdity of the idea of me working any sort of magic sneakiness on the cards.

No, this accusation had to do with the fact that S and I play at the same table. The allegation was that this somehow gave either he or I some kind of advantage (though I have yet to be able to determine practically what this advantage might be). They had "observed" that he and I avoid being in pots together...and on the basis of this "evidence", decided that we are cheaters. And further decided to call us out on it, stopping the entire game for over 5 minutes of needless drama.
Since I am not going to get into this with the morons with whom we play poker, I've decided to defend myself here for the record!
  1. The other game we play does not have any sort of issue with this; in fact, all the couples that play there play at the same tables. There has never (as long as I've been going anyway) been any discussion of cheating based on this fact...I chalk it up to the fact that they are better poker players and don't feel the need to point fingers and piss & moan if they lose.
  2. The "gentleman" who started the entire "discussion" had been poking at me subtly all day (implying that I was fishing for cards etc. - a big insult for a real poker player!). The "discussion" ensued AFTER he had completely misread what I had, went all in with an inferior hand and ended up being taken out of the tournament by me. 'Nuff said?
  3. The rest of the group THEN started piping in with how they had observed the same thing and it wasn't right that we sit together and on and on...wah, wah, wah! Too bad nobody had the cahones to say anything until Bozo decided to make a federal case because his little ego was bruised!
  4. The reality is that I play my cards. By observing the way S plays (and the same with other players) , I have a good idea when he has a big hand...if he does and I DON'T, I get the hell out of his way! I do the same with other players...end of story.


Whew...I feel better, dunno 'bout you! ;o)

So, how was everyone else's weekend?


Blogger Jeans Pants said...

accused you of cheating eh? Those bastards. My weekend, well, it was quite amazing. My life is pretty good right now

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 12:46:00 PM  
Blogger Ag said...

Sweetie How dare they..... Do you want me to come up and kick some ass.... I will you know I will... Polt will hold my jacket while I kick the asses....

Congrs on winning don't let the f*ckers ruin it for you.

Thanks for stopping by my HNT and he is treating me with respect. I tell him he is a bad boy but a real good man. I think I will keep him around for awhile.


Thursday, June 14, 2007 1:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find that generally people have a distinct tendency to suck. Thank you for coming by darling, I'm home and bloody and there's a gory update on my site ♥

Thursday, June 14, 2007 2:45:00 PM  
Blogger The Ogre said...

I had a pretty good weekend. SCUBA dived all weekend :)

Thursday, June 14, 2007 9:57:00 PM  
Blogger Polt said...

This is a bit off subject (well, totally off subject actually), but I think it's real sweet you want us to come up for the parade. However, I don't really foresee that happening. Maybe one year, but not this one.

We've talked about coming up again in September, perhaps. I'll be sure to let you know!


Friday, June 15, 2007 2:20:00 PM  

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