"Bitter Betty" rears her ugly head...again...
It's the whore's birthday today. She's 21.
Why can't I just let this go, you might ask? Unfortunately, I will NEVER be able to forget this day because it's also my parents' wedding anniversary...so there ya go; I'm doomed to remember this day always. *cue melodramatic music*
So much for all of you (including me) who complimented me before about how "well" I'm dealing with stuff.
Happy 37th anniversary, Mom and Dad...
Shush your mouth! Anger is healthy when expressed.. If you bottle it all up you'll blow your top. Get it out, at lest typing it isn't hurting anyone I mean you could be beating the shit out of it with a f**king ball bat right? If I could hug you right now I would. Keep your head high chica 'cause you're a thousand times better.
Happy Anniversary Moonspell's Mom and Dad. And don't fret it, we all get mad, it's how you deal with it that seperates us from the animals.
Concentrate on the good, your parent's anniversary. 37 years, that's pretty impressive. My parents just had thier 44th!
Im confused! Why am I confused. Maybe Im just tired. Whose the whore? Happy Wedding Anniversary You moms and dads
The whore would be my pet name for the 21 year old my ex is f*cking. Follow the link...read the archives from last summer and leading up to my departure from my marriage.
Honestly, I just wish I could forget that the last 15 years ever happened...like he has. It would make it so much easier...
Beautiful anniversary shot
Happy HNT!
Moon don't let him win. I know its hard everytime he upsets you he wins don't let the f***ker win. You are a stong woman and a hell better than he.
Happy 47 to Mum and Dad
Remember you have all my support you want or need.
beautiful photo
Noo! It was LAST month, and I'm 39 now.
Oh oh oh, the OTHER one, yeah, okay. :)
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