Monday, May 01, 2006

T.O. in all her glory...

Hubby took this one on his way to work last spring...I love it and hope it cheers Polt up as he's missing the T-dot... ;o)

This one's from his work...pretty decent view, I'd say...

Enjoy! :o)


Blogger Polt said...


What a place to work. I'd love to look out my window and see the CN Tower. I'm guessing from the angle, he works west of the tower, is that correct?

Do you guys get into downtown Toronto much? I love it there.

And the ride into That's one of our favorite parts of the trip up: driving down the QEW and trying to see the Tower for the first time. When we do, we point hoop and hollar and laugh! It's like we've come home.

We're such dorks. :)

And thank you, any shot of Toronto does make me feel better.

but t-dot?

Monday, May 01, 2006 8:35:00 PM  
Blogger m_o_o_nspells said...

Yeah, the t-dot was typed with tongue firmly planted in cheek since I'm certainly aware I can't get away with that kinda thing! ;o)
We don't get downtown much...hubby's not a big fan of people lol and I'm kind of a 'burbs girl. But we do go if there's a reason, like a show or someone to meet (Bruce Campbell or Neil Gaiman, for example).
And one day, I SWEAR I'm gonna drag someone with me to check out the Pride parade and festivities...I've lived 40 minutes away from Toronto forever and have never made it. Might have something to do with the fact that it's in the middle of summer and I'm one of the whitest white people I tanning here!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006 8:41:00 AM  
Blogger Polt said...

Moons,sweetie, if you're going to the Pride parade, I dare say your tanness or paleness won't matter. WIth all the hot slabs of beef roaming around,ain't no one gonna be looking a ghostly lil white chick. :) I say that with the utmost love.

I go to DC Pride every year, and love it. But Toronto has thelargest in North America after New York, I'm told. I've seen pictures of the Parade andsuch, looks fab! I would LOVE to see that specticle myself. :)

but really, ya outta go. We queers love us some openminded str8 chicks! ...pale or not...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006 3:16:00 PM  
Blogger m_o_o_nspells said...

Silly man, I wasn't saying the pale thing 'cause I'm worried aboot gettin' checked out...LMAO! I'm worried about much more practical a sunburn so red, I glow like a giant crab! No, thanks...not a good look for anyone!
And I'm going one day...just gotta figger out who I can drag along! ;o)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006 3:54:00 PM  
Blogger Polt said...

Well, Moons, I promise ya, should I EVER make it to Toronto for Pride week (and I WANT to do that sometime soon in the coming years) I'll be sure to let you know first.

BUt you need to just slather on the SPF 50 or what have you and go! Take another open minded str8 chick! The fun you guys will have will be more than worth the risk of a lil ole burn!

I've taken probably close to ten people to DC Pride with me over the years, and not a ONE of them has been gay or lesbian. They just go for the fun. Many of them, several years in a row. :)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006 11:05:00 PM  

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