Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My weekend and Half-Nekkid Thursday #24 (Corrected Edition)

First, I will speak yet again of my poker prowess...yes, I AM a superstar!

I finally won outright at the Saturday poker game!!!!! Seventeen people down and and no splits or anything...just $200 for me...woohoo! I'm getting better at this...and that makes me very happy!

Then we played in the Sunday game with the accusers and I came in third and third (we play two games)...this gives me another 3,000 chips for the big cash tournament, which is on Aug. 26th. My total is now 29, 500 by their count...I had the total at 5,000 chips lower so I am not going to argue (also, I might have missed a first place somewhere...maybe!)!

After Saturday poker, we played glow-in-the-dark miniputt. It was fun! S ended up 1 under par and I was *ahem* *mumble, mumble* over...oh fine 11, I was 11 over! I do indeed suck but we had fun anyway.

Finally, I need to correct my count for HNT...I am NOW at # 24. As of today. I went trekking through the old archives, looking at pics I've done and I realised that I skipped one when numbering my HNT submissions! So, without further it is...the much anticipated (and frankly already supposedly posted)...HNT #24:

* MIGHT wanna go look at XTube for something more...appropriate...* ;o)

I warned ya...

Figured since I discovered my error, I should rectify it asap...this pic was taken quite a while back and I think I never used it not because I didn't like it but because I was shy. But since I do not have an effects tool at my disposal currently, you get unadulterated breastage!
Enjoy! ;o)

Click above to tell Os where he can come to see my boobie! hehe

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Half-Nekkid Thursday #24 (The Birthday Suit Edition)

Well, this is as naked as I've been on clothes, no effects, just ass...and lots of it! That's right kids, I'm not skinny and I'm not trying to hide it anymore! :oD
So, if you were popping by expecting Paris Hilton (snort!), you will be SORELY disappointed although if that IS what you were looking for, why in the name of all that is holy?!
That is a whole other discussion...moving on...

So, here's my bottom...again! (And my boy kitty, trying to escape photographic capture, in the background.)

Like it or kiss it...or both! Yer choice... ;o)

Happy HNT lovely people!

(Click the thingy above to go tell Os you've seen my ass...)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My weekend...and happy birthday to me!

I took an extended weekend, starting with Friday off so that I could spend a day with my oldest nephew. He chose to go to the Science Centre again (same as the last time we did a "Mitchie-Day" two years ago). We had a good time and he behaved very well...the only glitch in the day came when my sister called to say that his dad, her husband, had fallen out of a tree and was being taken by ambulance to the hospital! It was a few hours before we knew that he was okay except for a broken bone in his heel, which means he will be in a cast and on crutches pretty much until October (poor guy!).
Saturday guessed it! Poker, where S and I shared first and second in a side game, earning us $100 (after the $80 it cost us to play both games).
Sunday was my birfday barbeque. I figured that it would be off considering it was being held at my sister's place but bro-in-law decided he was up to it so we went on with the show! My brother did the bbq'ing and there was much fun and food and kids running around and mayhem! It was nice to actually have a celebration for my birthday as that was not something the ex and I really did much of...hell, we only ever really bought each other Christmas presents twice in our whole time together...pathetic, right?
Speaking of prezzies, guess what I got for my birfday? :oD
Yes, that's right, I have finally joined this millenium and am the proud owner of an iPod Nano! Fun little gadgets they come no one told me about them before?! ;o)
I went ahead and converted all my MP3's so they could be played on the iPod and then I proceeded to get down with my bad self while doing the dishes and getting ready for bed last night! Fun!
Less fun was Saturday night, after a winning day of poker and a fabulous crab leg buffet at the Mandarin, coming home to a flood in my apartment. :oO
Seems the stupid lady next door has the shut off valve for the water in her apartment and it further seems that she cannot follow simple instructions, such as, say, "DON'T turn the water back on!". So, S ended up shop-vaccing my closet yesterday (and setting up my mouse and keyboard!) while I took boy kitty to the vet for his 6 week check up. I am happy to report that the closet floor finally seems to be drying out, slowly but surely, and that kitty is up to 10 lbs., the vet says he seems to be doing well and she does not need to see him for another 3 months...woohoo!
So, today is my actual b-day...and S is coming back down to take me out for a nice dinner before turning around and heading right back home! He is very sweet to me... :ox
Hope you are all doing well and I should be around for HNT this week...might even have a pic of me in my birthday suit, ya never know! ;o)


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Better... ;o)

Free Online Dating

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

  • hell (4x)
  • bitch (2x)
  • kill (1x)
Heh, heh!
But no credit for those OTHER words?! Weird rating system...


Ah HELL no!

Online Dating

That's 'cause I always put the asterisks in my swear words...I'm SO gonna hafta try A LOT harder. Watch out kiddies...I'm on a mission:

Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits

P.S. Ain't much in THIS life that's rated PG-13... ;o)

Monday, July 09, 2007

Alrighty then, for some reason I can't seem to add a title to this post...weird and yet not unwelcome, since I was having trouble coming up with a clever one anyway! So, here's how I spent (my summer) an extended weekend, after a two-day workweek!
First, I journeyed to the far-away land of Kingston, ON for a sales launch (read "excuse for sales reps to get drunk and party like monkeys!)...known for it's university (Queen's, where we bunked in the dorm rooms, which was kinda neat!) and for the 1000 Islands. I was up at 6 a.m. and out the door by 7:10 since it's almost a three hour drive and check-in was at 10 a.m. Blah, blah, marketing programs, blah...until we boarded the boat for a dinner and cocktails sunset cruise (after a gruelling 45 minute HIKE, which was supposed to be 15-20 minutes and for which I was WAY overdressed; I won't bore you with details but suffice to say that I was hot, sweaty and unimpressed when we arrived!)!

Whereupon there were bevvies! About which, I was terribly happy...oh, and did I mention they were free too? :oD
MANY drinks were consumed by many sales reps and many passes were made at many other drunk sales reps...I am old and went back to the dorms after the cruise ended at 10:30ish (in a CAB, thank you very much!) so I cannot report on the success or failure of these amorous advances but I'm guessing that lots of people are hoping that "what happens in Kingston, STAYS in Kingston" applies!
After a looooooooooooooooooong drive back and a nap at S's place to make sure I didn't fall asleep at the wheel (due to the way-too-little sleep I got while listening to inebriated morons running up and down the halls, yelling and banging on doors from about 1 a.m. until about 4 a.m.!), we got back to my place only to find that the kitties were VERY unhappy about being alone overnight. Like peeing-all-over-my-freakin'-bed unhappy. So, there we were at 11 p.m., washing and drying all the bedding before we could hit the sack. And this after a minor "incident" with the car which involved a stuck gearshift, a call to Roadside Assistance (not much in the way of actual assistance, but I digress) and some frantic shuffling through the owner's manual and then a cancellation of the tow truck that had been dispatched to "assist"! A long day, indeed!

Saturday was my grandmother's 90th birthday celebration (happy b-day Gram!!)...good times, noodle salad! Family and food...not too shabby. Afterwards, we hung out at my parents' place for a bit then headed back to my sister's house for barbeque and more hanging with friends and kidlets until late.

Sunday, we finally saw Live Free or Die Hard. And I actually enjoyed it quite a bit...the kid from the Mac commercials did a really good job and any flick that has a cameo by ol' Dumptruck himself (aka Kevin Smith) is alright by me! The action was overwrought in places but overall, it was not bad and that's fairly high praise for this kind of flick, and coming from me!
And we were unable to catch any of the Canada Day celebrations as S's camera was missing, presumed lost or stolen until late on Monday of the long weekend...when it showed up, hidden under my seat in the car! So, my derriere will have to wait for another occasion to make a grand (and I DO mean GRAND!) reappearance! ;o)
Well, that's it for now (phew!) to do dishes...bleah!