Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Half-Nekkid Thursday #11 (Star Trek Edition)

I've gone a little effects-mad, I admit it! But they're fun and they make it a little easier to show a little more skin and not be so shy! ;o)
Anyway, really it's because hubby and I have been a little lazy about taking new pics so I'm adding a little interest to some I wasn't too sure about using, et voila! Submissive alien babe, at your service...come and get me Cpt. Kirk! :oD
I'll try to post a workout update later today or tomorrow for those of you on the edges of your seats about how I'm doing...
'Til then...HHNT!

**If you've never heard of this thing called "Half-Nekkid", click below to go visit Os, the great and powerful**

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Half-Nekkid Thursday #10 (Special FX Movie Poster Edition)

Needs a tag line 'bout "The breasts have escaped and THEY MEAN BUSINESS!"? :oD

But seriously, I kinda like the way this effect turned out...very glamorous in a dirty kinda way!

And Polt, if you were shocked by my modest-by-comparison ass shot, you *may* wanna avert your eyes here... ;o)

HHNT kids!

**If you've never heard of this thing called "Half-Nekkid", click below to go visit Os, the great and powerful**

Happy hump-day! ;o)

Just wanted to post an update because...well, because I'm proud dammit! :oD
Here's how the working out thing is going so far:

  • HNThursday...rode bike for 10 minutes, did treadmill for 20
  • Friday...rode bike for 20 minutes, did treadmill for 15
  • Saturday...didn't work out per se, but did swim and goof around with a 6 and a 3 year old and that IS a work out for my old ass!
  • Sunday...see Saturday
  • celebrate my 35th birthday (OMG sounds SO old!!! LOL), I rode the bike for 30 minutes, did treadmill for 15
  • Tuesday...went swimming at the pool at my condo for about 40 minutes
  • Wednesday...rode bike for 30 minutes, did treadmill for 20

May not sound like much to some but for me, it's really something! And I'm progressing (going longer etc.) too which is something else! Hubby and I are going to try to figure out some type of weight routine so I can alternate cardio stuff with know, to sculpt the bod! ;o)

One more sleep until HNT...woohoo! :oD
'Til then, hope you're all having a great week...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Half-Nekkid Thursday #9 (Early Morning Effects Edition)

Alright, not only am I up and at 'em at this ungodly hour but I am posting my HNT AND I'm now gonna go work out!!! Have I got my shit together today, or WHAT?! ;o)

Hope everyone has a great day!

**If you've never heard of this thing called "Half Nekkid", click the icon in the sidebar to go visit Os, the great and powerful...HHNT!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Happy (?!) anniversary...

Just wanted to make a note regarding the post below this one...
It contains a story that I have wanted to tell since I started this's actually the reason I started the blog in the first place. Though my place has become something very different from what I thought it would be when I began, it is still helping me on my journey of discovering who I really am. Sounds kinda heavy for this place and I guess it is but it's still the truth. And that is something that has become VERY important to me in the last year or so...
I decided to write it now, with the anniversary of something that should never have had to happen, looming. Please do not mistake the light tone in the story for me taking it less than seriously because nothing could be further from the truth. I have spent the last year beginning to try to make up for the last 14 years (and to a lesser extent, the rest of my whole life with friends and family!) and it has been difficult for me.
But none of the revelations or changes I have made would have been possible without the overwhelming goodness and generosity of spirit of the man I married. His patience and willingness to stay have allowed me the opportunity to delve into my issues and with him by my side I have begun to deal with all the baggage I didn't even know I had! His support has been unwavering and in the beginning, unwarranted and I have to thank him from the bottom of my heart for giving me a second chance when what I deserved was to watch as he walked out of my life forever.

J, I love you more every day that we spend together...thank you for being you; the best person I have ever known. I hope to spend the rest of my life erasing all traces of the bad stuff from the last 14 years from your heart...


It's story time, children...

Once upon a time, there lived a princess…well, for the purposes of our story we’ll call her a princess but really she’s just a girl like many others out there in the kingdom.
Anyway, she lived with her family in many different places because they moved a lot. She had a mommy and daddy who loved each other but sometimes had difficulty showing this due to their different but equally troubled pasts. She also had a younger brother and a younger sister whom she secretly suspected were both more loved by their parents than her. Probably at least partly because of this suspicion, she was a bullying and overbearing older sister although at the time she did not realize this. She grew up and had what she had always considered a relatively normal childhood. There were bad times but for the most part, she was loved and cared for and no one ever really hurt her so she figured she was doing okay.
Then came boyfriends…she picked nice boys who generally loved her more than she loved them and she felt safe. And she cheated on them. Pretty much without exception. There was one boy she loved more than he loved her when she was 17 but she scared him with her intensity and he ran away. She learned another valuable lesson about opening up to people.
One day, the princess met a prince. She liked him immediately and set about pursuing him…she already had a boyfriend (who happened to be friends with the prince) but that had never stopped her before. This prince was different and she knew it…he was smart, funny, good-looking and above all, he was independent and capable. Unlike all the other boys she had chosen, this one did not need or want to be mothered and would not allow her to walk all over him…finally, here was someone with whom she could be an equal in a relationship. And miracle of miracles, he loved her too! They both quickly dispensed with all impediments and moved in together and they were married less than 2 years later.
They lived happily ever after…for 2 more years anyway.
The princess had vowed, before family, friends and whatever God there is, and even more importantly to herself, that she would NOT cheat on the prince. She loved him and if that was true, she should not need anyone else. Then the first true test of their marriage came along.
An evil witch came to the prince’s place of employment and for reasons known only to her, she hated the prince. It became her personal mission to make the prince’s life a living hell…and she was VERY good at it. This made the prince very unhappy and caused a great deal of stress for him…he needed the princess to be there for him and to make their home a refuge from the storm. She however, was ill prepared for this aspect of married life; in all her previous relationships, when the going got tough, she got going. So she withdrew emotionally and left the prince to deal with his misery on his own while she sought to soothe her feelings of inadequacy elsewhere.
She fell back on her tried and true patterns, as people tend to do. There was a pretty boy who worked next door to the princess and he had troubles of his own…she felt better able to help him with his problems as he was easily consoled with an illicit romp in the afternoon while the prince was slowly losing his mind at work. The boy soon moved away but that door, which had remained closed for 4 years, was once again open and the princess felt powerless to stop herself from going through…
The princess put her life with the prince in a little box in her head and kept it separate from the things she did outside their marriage. She told herself that this was something she needed that he could not give her and therefore, she had no choice in the matter; in order to be able to stay with him, she HAD to do these things. To make life easier for herself, she brought one of these boys into the lives of the prince and her whole family…that way she had a legitimate reason for being with him and did not have to be as careful about sneaking around. For 9 years, they did their thing right in front of the prince’s eyes and believed that he did not know. Although he confronted her on more than one occasion, the princess thought that her assurances that nothing was going on were accepted as truth because that’s what she needed to think in order to carry on with her addiction (since that was what it had become).
Until the 10th night of July in the year 2005…
That night, the prince went to bed before the princess as usual…it was a Saturday night and he worked the next day but she did not, leaving her free to do as she pleased. A couple of hours after he had retired, the princess was chatting on the computer with her latest conquest, a boy she worked with who lived far, far away. Although they had not yet done anything to consummate their infatuation, they had begun to make plans to do so. When the prince appeared in the doorway looking angry, after apparently lying in bed stewing for hours, she steeled herself for whatever was coming next. Nothing she could have done would have prepared her for what the prince was about to say. He confronted her again but this time he had proof of her infidelity, which he had gotten by hacking into her email account. She was trapped; all the boxes she had erected in her head to keep her lies (and lives) separated came crashing down.
There followed an all night yelling-talking-crying-denying-then-admitting-fest wherein many truths were revealed. They talked of things that she had NEVER admitted to anyone, least of all herself…it was horrible and heart wrenching and humbling and more than anything else, she felt relieved. She no longer had to pretend that she was happy and that everything was fine…the illusion of their perfect marriage and relationship was gone leaving behind the possibility of replacing it with something REAL.
Which is how they have spent the year since then and how they intend to spend every day from now on…until they have their happily ever after.

The End (but really, just the beginning!)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Half-Nekkid Thursday #8 (Canada/Independance Day Edition)

Happy belated Canada and Independance day!

I thought I'd give you a little more than last requested! ;o)

And I didn't mean to exclude anyone in my last post...I was just so intent on getting in the "ass man" Seinfeld reference that I forgot to include da chickies!

So, THIS one's for you beautiful, ass-lovin' ladies of HNT...hope you enjoy!

HHNT everybody!