Friday, June 29, 2007

Cyanide & Happiness for the long weekend...

*snicker* Gotta love a goofy play on words and stick figures!

And on that note...have an excellent long weekend, if you get one; happy Canada Day/Independence Day!

*space-invading hugs for ALL* ;o)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Half-Nekkid Thursday #23 (The Infamous "Wardrobe Malfunction" Edition)

Here's the view that the sales reps and all the people I work with could have been privvy to, had it not been a fairly quiet afternoon last Thursday! Okay, not exactly...I was wearing undies then (and I was very careful NOT to bend over), but certainly close enough for discomfort, I'd say!
"It doesn't seem THAT bad," you might say...but then, it wasn't YOUR plump bottom hanging out in front of your colleagues, now WAS it?! ;o)

Anyway, I had to email my boss to tell her why I was exitting stage left before my usual time...she called, barely containing her giggles, a mere moment later to confirm. And then I decided to share the joy by advising several other co-workers what had happened...if stupid sh*t like this is going to keep happening to me, I'm at least going to get the giggle-credits for it!

Happy HNT all!
(As always, clicking the pretty lady will take you to the land of Os to see the wizard himself...go ahead, you know you wanna!)
Quote for today: "Never let 'em see you ache. That's what Mr. Mayer used to say. Or was it "ass"? Never let 'em see your ass." -Doris Mann, Postcards from the Edge

(LOVE that movie!)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Don't you love it when...

...You have a pretty decent weekend and then you come back to work, check your bank account (yes, I AM busy but this is important, dammit!) and find that your tax return has FINALLY been processed?!

I SO do!

P.S. Yes, there WILL be HNT photographic evidence of my Janet-Jackson-impersonation attempt from last week but no, Polt, there will NOT be a re-enactment of the toilet stall door incident! :oP
Luckily for me, as far as I know anyway, none of my ridiculous unluckiness has ever actually been caught on far!

See you on the half-nekkid side... ;o)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Why I went home early today...

Or the story of my real-life HNT experience...

So, I ended up heading home from work at about 3:30 this afternoon. And what prompted my early departure, you might inquire? Let us just call it a wardrobe malfunction, and we'll leave it at that...for now anyway. Perhaps I can enlist S's photographic assistance this weekend to illustrate just exactly what necessitated my exit from my place of work...poste haste, I might add!

You can probably still hear my boss and a couple of my co-workers giggling, can'tcha? I know I can...

Did I ever mention the time last year when I had to file a Workman's Comp claim because a bathroom stall door fell on me at work? I kid you not...this is my life...
*Go ahead...commence giggling*

Ya gotta love...umm, Bush...

(click it to big it!)

*giggle* *guffaw* *snort*
Have a happy Half-nekkid Thursday everyone! ;o)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Don'tcha hate it when...

People take their own insecurities and crap out on you?! Yeah, me too!

So, I had another great poker weekend...came in fourth and got my money back at the Saturday tourney. Then yesterday, played two games and came in second and first to give me 7500 more chips for the big $$$ tourney in August (that's a total of 21,500 so far, in case anyone other than me is counting!). That's the GOOD part.

The bad part is that I got accused of cheating.

Now, just a little background:
This particular game is one in which dealers are provided so the accusation of cheating had nothing to do with card-marking or stacking the deck or anything like that. Besides, anyone who's ever seen me shuffle could explain the absurdity of the idea of me working any sort of magic sneakiness on the cards.

No, this accusation had to do with the fact that S and I play at the same table. The allegation was that this somehow gave either he or I some kind of advantage (though I have yet to be able to determine practically what this advantage might be). They had "observed" that he and I avoid being in pots together...and on the basis of this "evidence", decided that we are cheaters. And further decided to call us out on it, stopping the entire game for over 5 minutes of needless drama.
Since I am not going to get into this with the morons with whom we play poker, I've decided to defend myself here for the record!
  1. The other game we play does not have any sort of issue with this; in fact, all the couples that play there play at the same tables. There has never (as long as I've been going anyway) been any discussion of cheating based on this fact...I chalk it up to the fact that they are better poker players and don't feel the need to point fingers and piss & moan if they lose.
  2. The "gentleman" who started the entire "discussion" had been poking at me subtly all day (implying that I was fishing for cards etc. - a big insult for a real poker player!). The "discussion" ensued AFTER he had completely misread what I had, went all in with an inferior hand and ended up being taken out of the tournament by me. 'Nuff said?
  3. The rest of the group THEN started piping in with how they had observed the same thing and it wasn't right that we sit together and on and on...wah, wah, wah! Too bad nobody had the cahones to say anything until Bozo decided to make a federal case because his little ego was bruised!
  4. The reality is that I play my cards. By observing the way S plays (and the same with other players) , I have a good idea when he has a big hand...if he does and I DON'T, I get the hell out of his way! I do the same with other players...end of story.


Whew...I feel better, dunno 'bout you! ;o)

So, how was everyone else's weekend?

Monday, June 04, 2007

The theme song for today...done beautifully by the ladies of PQotD....

I will Survive-Gloria Gaynor

At first I was afraid, I was petrified

Kept thinkin’ I could never live without you by my side

But then I spent so many nights thinkin’ how you did me wrong

And I grew strong and I learned how to get along

And so you’re back from outer space

I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face

I should have changed that stupid lock, I should have made you leave your key

If I’d have known for just one second you’d back to bother me

* Go on now, go walk out the door

Just turn around now ‘cause you’re not welcome anymore

Weren’t you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye

Did you think I’d crumble, did you think I’d lay down and die

** Oh, no, not I - I will survive

Oh, as long as I know how to love I know I’ll stay alive

I’ve got all my life to live and I’ve got all my love to give

And I’ll survive, I will survive, hey, hey

It took all the strength I had not to fall apart

Kept tryin’ hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart

And I spent, oh, so many nights just feeling sorry for myself

I used to cry, but now I hold my head up high

And you see me, somebody new

I’m not that chained up little person still in love with you

And so you feel like droppin’ in and just expect me to be free

But now I’m savin’ all my lovin’ for someone who’s lovin’ me

[Repeat * , **]

[Repeat * , **]

[Repeat * , **]

Quote of the Day: "Change your thoughts and you change your world" - Norman Vincent Peale

(Believe me, I'm workin' on it Norm...)

P.S. Got a third and a second place in poker on Sunday...good for 4000 more chips for that big tourney in August. Yay me! ;o)

Friday, June 01, 2007

MORE than time for a new post, I'd say!

(If only to move Bitter Betty down to her rightful place, further down the page!)

Vacation was wonderful and looked a little something like this:

Fri. May 18...babysat my guys (my sister's boys) and watched "Night at the Museum", which was quite entertaining for what it was.
Sat. May 19...played poker. Played well but didn't cash.
Sun. May 20...played more poker. Placed 1st which gets me a certificate for 5000 chips to play in a tournament in August with a first prize of $800-$1000 cash.
Mon. May 21...went to the zoo. Had a great time but remembered how old and out of shape I am. Resolved to start working out again...after vacation!
Tues. May 22...played poker again. Placed 2nd which gets me another certificate worth 2500 chips for the August tourney.
Wed. May 23...played free poker (no buy-in). Came in 6th which didn't get me anything but means that I played well and seems to indicate I was on a roll! ;o)
Thurs. May to Casinorama to see Styx, baby, Styx! We stayed overnight and got to play in the pool (one of my very favourite things to do in the world!). The show was great and I was thrilled to get to see the boys again after having missed them for over two years...
Fri. May 25...we had about 9 hours on our hands after we checked out and before the second show so after we wandered around town, exploring their Sunshine Sidewalk sale thingy, we decided to try our hands at $1/$2 No Limit in the casino. It was the first time I'd played N/L in a casino setting but thanks to ALL the poker we'd been playing lately, I wasn't really intimidated at all. Half the table was pros and we actually did pretty well, I think...we played for 2 1/2 hours and were only down $50 of our original $200 (thanks in large part to me sucking out against one of said pros; I had pocket K's, he had pocket rockets...I flopped a set and they held up! Poker really is a bitch!). Then on to Show #2, which ROCKED! They did a different set, knowing that there were lots of people there to see more than one show and not wanting us to get bored!
Sat. May 26...more poker. Played okay but didn't cash.
Sun. May 27...again, more poker (yes, in fact I AM addicted!). Came in 2nd again and got 2500 more chips for the August tourney. Which was the GOOD part of Sunday. The bad part was waking up in the middle of the night with a blinding headache and having to call in sick Monday because I couldn't sleep, it was so nasty.

So, the rest of this week has been back to work and catching up and trying to get around to visit all of you out there to see what you've been up to! This weekend I'm looking forward guessed it! More poker and getting "Knocked Up" ;o)
And I was serious about the working out thing...more details on that next week...I swear!!!
Happy weekend all! *hugs*