Friday, December 29, 2006

Should Auld Aquaintance Be Forgot?

I wanted to go ahead and wish everyone a very happy 2007...and for a BUNCH of us (a surprising number, to me anyway), I wish for a much better year than this one. Actually, what the hell, I wish that for everyone...even for those who had a great 2006, who wouldn't love an even better 2007?
Anyway, I will be busy until after the big day now...I decided to go a completely different way with my plans this year. Typically, being the home-body/moonchild that I am, my evening would be low-key and with a few friends and family. So instead, I decided to go to Niagara Falls to celebrate with a million strangers at an outdoor concert featuring's that for "opposite end of the spectrum"?! I'm really looking forward to it...hopefully, the weather gods will be kind...
I think I'm going to try a new approach for this coming year. I'm going to look at this whole thing as an opportunity to break out of my comfort zone; I'm going to rise to the challenge and expand my horizons. Worst case scenario, at least I get some much-needed distraction from "As My World Turns" in my case, I learn something new about myself.
So, while I can't promise there will be no more bad days or pissing and moaning on here, I will certainly endeavour to balance them out with more interesting can hold me to that!
For now, I leave you with wishes for a safe and happy New Year's...I'll see you back here in 2007, hopefully with some pics of the festivities in Niagara (if I can borrow a camera, that is)!
*Hugs and dirty stuff* ;o)

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Half-Nekkid Thursday #18 (Special Assignment #2 Edition)

For this week, the great and powerful Os asked us to post our favourite HNT pic from the last year. Since I haven't been doing this long, and I took a big break in there, I don't have THAT many to choose from. That being said, this was actually really easy...this pic was my favourite as soon as I saw it and I still think it's probably the best one so far. I checked back and apparently, you guys liked this one better...not a big surprise and since it's my second fav, I can't really disagree!
Enjoy and HHNT for the last time in 2006! ;o)

Check out what this HNT madness is about by clicking the link...

**Edit: A couple of people have complimented the tat...thanks! For a better shot of it, go here... ;o)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Best of the Season!

I, like many/most people, will be very busy running around and visiting in the next few days and I won't get another chance to do this, so here goes...
(I'm not religious so I'm not offended when people *try* to include everyone in their wishes for a happy holiday season, so, in that spirit...)
Merry Christmas to all of those who celebrate it and to everyone, I wish you all the best of whatever this holiday means to you! Stay safe and enjoy your friends and loved ones!
***And for those who still believe, may Santa be especially kind to you this year; I KNOW you've all been VERY good! ;o)
*HUGE hugs*

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Half-Nekkid Thursday #17 (Special Chistmas Assignment Edition)

As per the boss-man Os, instead of the usual half-nekkid pics this week, we were instructed thusly:

"To avoid the hassle of having to take HNT pics with holiday plans, families getting together, and all the other things getting in the way, we will suspend HNT this week. INSTEAD, in the spirit of Christmas, we'll do this--pick three HNT/blogger participants, but only three. And then tell the world what you'd get them for Christmas, if you had the means to do so. To make this work, don't pick three people that you might normally send a card or a gift to anyway. Pick three people that you may have just met, or have been following for awhile, or found through other blogs.
This can be serious, humorous, from the heart, or from the mind. Hopefully this will prevent some sort of "gift guilt reciprocation". One last thing--when you post a comment like you would for HNT, just list your three people. That way someone who might not expect something from you will know to take a look."

I decided to follow Polt's lead and do sort of spiritual gifts as opposed to funny...or realistic.
So, without further ado, I would gift...

1) Jeannie Grrl...with perfect health. She is a lovely person who is constantly plagued by various health-related issues and so I would wish those away for her. That way, she could just enjoy all the wonderful things in her life without having to worry about whether she's in agonising pain or not. (I'm stealing this pic, with thanks again, from Poltie!)

2) Mermaid Girl...with peace and strength through what must be very trying times in her life. And oh yeah, maybe this would help to eliminate her problem as well! ;o)

See your gift here, since Blogger is a b*tch and won't let me post the pic!

3) Last, but never least, Polt...with his Freddie for the holidays. I know they spent some time doing the Christmas thing pre-holidays but I also know he's gonna miss his Freddie-bear to bits...and they are just SO cute together! Wish I could make it happen for real, Sweetie...and thanks so much for my gift! It's JUST what I need... *hugs*

See your gift here, same reason as above (I'll fix 'em later, Blogger willing!)!

And hugs, warm stuff and best wishes for the holiday season to all you wonderful bloggers out there! Thanks to everyone for all your support the last few's meant a lot to me.

Monday, December 18, 2006

A Brand New World

Tomorrow, I go to sign the papers with the lawyer that legally take my name off the deed to the condo. So, needless to say, I have spent half the day today crying my eyes out.
Even after everything that's happened, I can't really believe that this is my life now. It's not that it's that's just SO far from where I thought I'd be even as recently as three months ago. The last little while, everything has happened so fast...I've been so wrapped up in all the details that the actual processing has taken a bit of a back seat. Now, I look around and I just don't know how it all happened (which is obviously not literally true but the sequence of events certainly has felt head-swimmingly overwhelming, especially today.)...
I am missing my old life quite a bit right now...and my old dreams along with it. I gave him my keys back tonight; it's very hard knowing I will likely never see the place again. That condo was supposed to represent hubby's and my "new beginning" second chance to do it right. Giving the keys back is an admission that that is never going to be a reality now.
Last Christmas, I bought a whole bunch of decorations and lights, in anticipation of THIS Christmas; our first at our new home. We never really did the decorating thing before because we never felt the need to do so at a place that wasn't ours. Anyway, those decorations sit, as they have since I bought them and as they will probably remain for the conceivable future, in storage at my parents' house, unopened.
Well, what a happy little post from a happy little girl! Bleah...and now, for something completely different!

(It isn't, really,'s a pic of the plant we got as a housewarming gift from the condo corporation when the mortgage finally went through. Beautiful, wasn't it?)

Hope your day was better...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Half-Nekkid Thursday #16 (Long-Awaited (?!) Return/New Beginning Edition)

Still posting from work although I FINALLY got my phone and internet last night, after two weeks!! Oh and by the way, did I mention that the one thing I thought Rogers did right, turned out not to be so much?! Did I further mention that they can absolutely ROT?! Anyway...
Here, as promised (late, and with thanks to
my friend), is a first glimse of my new place...and the ghost of me, in it! This is the view heading from the kitchen/living room into my bedroom.

Happy belated HNT!

Click the link in the sidebar if you're wondering what this thing called Half-Nekkid is all about...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Just wanted to do a quick post to say I STILL haven't got a phone or internet or cable yet...Rogers can kiss my @ss, is my response to that! They are SUPPOSED to be coming to rectify this today and if they don't finally get this set up (after two previous visits and almost two weeks!), I am officially going to go POSTAL on their butts, I swear!
Anyway, everything went as well as can be expected with the move and I am basically settled in, but for a couple of boxes of books. I'm hoping to be able post more details and maybe some pics etc. soon...once I join the 21st century, already in progress! ;o)
'Til then, hope everyone's holiday season is going well!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Let's Play Tag...

I was tagged by the lovely and talented Polt over at The Palace so here goes:

"6 Weird Things About Me"

The rules are simple.
1. Each player of this game starts with the “6 weird things about you”.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you are tagged” in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

Weird thing #1) Using my right hand, I am incapable of showing the number 3 in the usual way (ie. put your thumb against your pinky finger and extend the remaining fingers), although I can with my left hand. When I hold my pinky with my thumb, the other fingers WILL NOT straighten out! I've actually hurt myself (along with looking like a complete git!) trying to do this because I thought it was absolutely ridiculous that I couldn't!

Weird thing #2) I hate beets and peppers...except when they're pickled; then I love them.

Weird thing #3) I am a food separatist...I don't like it when things touch on my plate. It's mostly either saucy things and non-saucy things or things of different temperatures (like salad and hot food) but I try to keep most stuff from touching most other stuff. I don't enjoy the co-mingling!

Weird thing #4) If I am walking down the street with someone, I have to walk on their left side. I don't know why but I feel all out of sorts and strange if I try to walk on the "wrong" side of someone I am with.

(After reviewing #'s 3 & 4, I am left thinking, as you all are I'm sure, OCD much?! Oh well, we all have our quirks! LOL)

Weird thing #5) Although I love true crime books and my favourite author is Stephen King, I do not like horror ALL; I think the last one I saw would have been one of the Nightmare on Elm Street ones and they ended up being more camp than scary after the first two! Edit: I realise this is a lie; I saw The Blair Witch Project (see Weird thing #6 for more). I think it's because I am not a very visual reader...I don't really do the movies-in-my-head thing when I read. Horror flicks are way too intense for me...I have a very suggestible imagination and those kinds of images stay with me and make me paranoid for a very long time.

Weird thing #6) I developed an inner-ear disorder when I was about 26 which means that I now have trouble watching movies in the theatre (especially war or water movies). It first happened during Titanic; when the boat started to sink, I got VERY ill...cold sweats, dizziness, nausea, etc. I was diagnosed with an ear infection but once that went away, the issues with dizziness and stuff stuck around. The only cure is Gravol and I pretty much take it before I go to any flick these days, just to be sure. Movies I have had to walk out of because of this issue: The Blair Witch Project, Tomb Raider II, Saving Private Ryan (almost...I was ONLY able to stick it out because I knew that scene was 30 minutes long and that's it!), Pearl Harbour (apparently, I didn't miss much!). I'm pretty sure there are others; if I think of them, I'll update later.

That was a LOT harder than I thought it would be...but kinda fun too! SCM did a variation (see "Tagged! Six Things - Times Two") on this theme and I'm gonna ponder it long and hard; I'll post on it if I can think of anything (well, 6 anythings, to be more accurate) worth talking about! ;o)

Okay, I'll tag:
  • Jean
  • Heather Edit: Heather kindly pointed out that she had a psychic moment and did this one already a couple of days ago (and I READ that post too...senility is no fun! lol) so I'm also going to tag Mermaid Girl
  • Evalee
  • Roy
  • Darkneuro
  • Evvie